If you’ve wondered, “how do you become a flight risk?”, this article is for you. It’s also possible that you’ve never heard of the term “flight risk”, which is why we’ll also explain the concept. Any experienced con will tell you that part of flight risk meaning is having a ticket to an extended stay in lock-up.
Flight Risk
Bail Bond Barriers
Even if your criminal charges aren’t too severe, getting out of jail on bail isn’t that easy. This is because the court considers several factors when determining bail. Some of these factors include a criminal record, the risk to the community, community connections, potential sentence, employment, and illegal drug use.
Furthermore, the judge wants to know that you’re likely to show up for all your court hearings. This means that the court also considers if it’s possible that you skip town before your case finishes. In case you’re still asking yourself, “what does flight risk mean?” or “what is flight risk?” continue reading this article.
What Is a Flight Risk?
What Is a Flight Risk?
Understanding what a flight risk is just as good as being familiar with weird ways to get a DUI. Learning about how law works can’t do any harm and can prevent several unfortunate consequences. How do you become a flight risk? Being a flight risk gives you a label that can keep you from getting out of jail on bond. If the sentence you face is relatively minor, you’re less likely to avoid prosecution than a person who could stay in prison for decades if they were found guilty. Moreover, if the judge decides to grant you the chance to post bond, being a flight risk means getting a higher bail amount. There’s no set law for how long it’s to leave prison after posting bail, though.
So, how do you become a flight risk to the court? If your charges carry severe penalties and you have the resources to avoid prosecution, the court will label you as a potential flight risk. As you can imagine by now, trying to convince the court that you aren’t a flight risk is absolutely worth it. Fortunately, you aren’t alone in this task. In court, your criminal defense attorney will stand up for you and try to convince the judge that you’re a safe candidate for pretrial release. If that’s where your trial is taking place, knowing how bail bonds work in North Carolina can be quite useful.
Once you post bail on someone the expectation is that they will get released from jail immediately. In reality, there is no set law for how long does it take to be released from jail. The release from jail process is different depending on the jail itself and the laws of the state. It can take anywhere between 4 hours to 12 hours; rarely is it immediate. You could benefit from using a bail bondsman if you do not have the extra money to help pay for the bail amount in full. Keep reading for more answers to the question “How long does it take to get out of jail after posting bail?”
How Long Does It Take to Get Out of Jail After Posting Bail?
How Long After Posting Bail Is Inmate Released?
If you have never paid a bail bond for someone before, you may be surprised to learn that people don’t get released immediately after their bail is posted. How long does it take to get out of jail after posting bail? If you are dealing with an efficient jail, four hours is a reasonable wait. In most cases, it takes about 4 to 8 hours after posting bail before someone can get released. Unfortunately, in some cases, you may be forced to wait up to 12 hours for your arrested person is released.
What Delays Release After Posting Bail?
Getting booked into jail is a process that takes a few hours. The policemen have to take your photos and fingerprints, collect your personal property, and fill in paperwork confirming your arrest. Getting released is a similar time-intensive process. The detainee has to sign for their property and fill in some paperwork confirming their release.
How long does it take to be released from jail? Many factors could delay your loved one’s release. These include how busy the jail is. The busier the policemen at the station are, the longer it will take to get someone released. The time of day that bail is posted could also affect the time of release.
If someone's bail is posted in the evening and there are policemen available to process their release, they can be out within four hours. However, if bail is posted during a busy time or when there isn’t anyone to process the release, your loved one could end up waiting for ten to 12 hours.
Another factor that could delay someone's release from jail is how many people have posted bail on the same day, and where on the line your person is. If your loved one is incarcerated in a busy jail and many people posted bail before them, their release could be delayed for hours.
How Long Does It Take to Get Out of Jail After Posting Bail
How Long Does It Take To Get Out Of Jail After Posting Bail
Getting released from jail doesn’t happen automatically after posting bail. Just as it took a process to be booking in, getting released is also a process. Attorneys can’t make the release from jail process any faster, but they can help with the process of posting bail sooner.
The faster you post bail for your incarcerated loved one, the sooner the process of releasing them from jail can begin. For more legal information on posting bail, as well as offenses that could get you arrested, read the rest of our blog.
Can you get a DUI while in a wheelchair or when sitting outside of your car? Weirdly enough, the answer is yes. You can get a DUI (Driving under the influence) if the wheelchair is on a bike lane or is motorized and your blood alcohol (BAC) level is above the legal limit of 0.08%.
There are also DUI stories involving being caught while drunk and sleeping on your parked wheelchair or outside your car. All the arresting cop needs to establish is that your blood alcohol level (BAC) is above the legal limit and that you were driving, riding, operating, or had intentions to do so.
Weirdest Way to Get a DUI
Driving a lawnmower while under the influence is another weirdest way to get a DUI. Various states have a broad legal definition of driving, riding, operating, or being in possession of a motor vehicle. The term “vehicle” is defined as “all devices capable of being moved or transporting people.” Scooters, mopeds, and bicycles all qualify as motor vehicles in some states hence are sources of the funniest DUI’s ever.
Driving a lawnmower while drunk can get you a DUI. This is especially true if you are on a public road and not within your compound. This happened to a Pennsylvania man in July 2015. He was pulled over while driving a lawnmower on a highway and found to have three times the BAC levels legal limit and three previous DUI charges to his credit.
2. Operating an ATV, ORV, or Recreational vehicle
Driving recreational vehicles while intoxicated leads to hundreds of fatalities every year. It is illegal in all the 50 states to operate an ATV, snowmobile, or a motorboat while intoxicated. Operating a recreational vehicle like a golf cart while under the influence will draw similar penalties. Punishment may vary when operating the vehicle on private property or public road. In Illinois, the forms of recreational vehicles which can lead to a DUI charge include ATV, Golf-cart, Dirt-bike, snowmobile, boats, and watercraft.
After recovering from an ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle) accident in 2013, a man from Illinois was charged with a DUI. The McHenry County Sheriff’s Office police had established that he was driving under the influence. Golf-cart related DUI offenses are also common. Golf Digest has reported on the problem with Florida cops ready to investigate any reported cases of driving under influence. Florida has a record number of golf cart-related DUI arrests that led to many offenders needing to get bailed out of jail.
A Zamboni operator in North Dakota zig zagging his equipment instead of moving on a straight path during a hockey match in 2015 had spectators call the police. The cops established he was drunk and charged him with a DUI. The Zamboni driver had a previous DUI charge.
3. Driving A Motorized Recliner, Barstool Or Cooler
Motorized recliners, barstools, and coolers are treated as vehicles in many states and the rider must be sober while on the road. In Newark, Ohio, a motorized barstool rider headed home after a drinking spree and got a DUI charge in 2009. He wrecked his motorized vehicle when negotiating a U-turn. When getting a DUI the cops reminded him that in Ohio, one has to be sober to operate any motor vehicle.
In 2008 in New York, cops caught up with a motorized cooler rider who residents said had been at it for some time. He got a DUI. He was swerving down the sidewalk and didn’t have a driving license due to previous DUI charges.
In 2009 a Minnesota motorized recliner rider got a DUI with 180 days jail time and 2 years' probation. He hit a stationary car on the parking lot as he left the bar intoxicated. His BAC levels were three times the legal limit.
4. Can You Get A DUI On A Horse?
Yes, you can. It has happened in some states and there is a historical aspect to it. Horse carriages were the mode of transportation before the invention of cars. Situations where people hurt themselves and others when operating horse carriages occurred. A Kentucky man riding home drunk in 2015 ran away from arresting cops. He was later arrested and charged with a DUI. Nebraska and Texas have also recently had DUI charges on horse riders.
Weirdest Way to Get a DUI
5. Riding Bicycles Or Tricycles
Bicycles have been a comfortable resort for a good number of those who drink alcohol. It is not as safe an option as considered. In 32 states, bicycles are regarded as vehicles while on the road. Some states have specific laws and charges for Biking Under the Influence (BUI). Biking while drunk is likely to get you a DUI charge as happened in Utah in the year 2008, where two drunk riders spent a night in jail. An Oregon man riding his tricycle down the wrong side of the street after he left the bar got a DUI. When the cops performed sobriety tests, the man failed and was taken to jail.
When it comes to loans, some terms are pretty confusing and difficult to comprehend. Some loans are given out to you without any collateral known as unsecured loans whereas some need some collateral and are termed as secured loans. In this piece, we will try and understand the difference between unsecured and secured loans.
Difference Between Unsecured and Secured Loans
Difference Between Unsecured and Secured Loans
Getting a loan is not easy. There are a lot of prerequisites one has to meet and a lot of documentation involved. Hence, knowing about the loan types is important as you get a better idea of what would be required as per the loan type you are applying – unsecured or secured. Let us point out the differences between the two in detail.
Unsecured Loans
An unsecured loan is a loan that is given to individuals without any collateral or any kind of security. In this case, the lending decision is made on a lot of factors which are as follows:
Creditworthiness – This is the first thing that the lender would check when you apply for an unsecured loan in the form of a personal loan or a credit card. Your creditworthiness is determined through the credit scores obtained from credit unions. Your credit scores are determined by your payment history, your debts and other important information that determines your financial health.
Debt to Income Ratio – Though this plays an important role in making a good credit score for you, this is an important determinant of whether you have the ability to borrow on the basis of your current income and the debts that you may have.
Apart from that lenders would check and scrutinize a lot of other things before making a lending decision in case of an unsecured loan. It is difficult to get approved for an unsecured loan as lenders and banks are at high risk and are therefore reluctant in easing the norms in most cases.
Secured Loans
A secured loan is a loan that would need to be attached to some object or thing of value known as collateral which is used as a security against the loan given to you. And hence the name secured. A home loan is a secured loan as the collateral for the home loan is the home itself. Similarly, your car loan is a secured loan as in case you are unable to make the payments the money would be recovered with the sale of the car.
Secured loans are easier to obtain and get approved for as the loans are advanced against collateral or security and therefore they are at minimum risk. Though before making a lending decision the lender would be checking your credit scores and history but a few missed payments here and there or a patch of bad credit may not impact your secured loan. Though, the decision is completely based on the lender.
The Conclusion
The difference between unsecured and secured loans is thus clear and if you are looking forward to applying for any such loan this article should come very handy. Go through this piece to learn some important terms before you get approved for a loan. Although, you should know that you may be in a place where you need a bail bond wherever you are whether it be in North Carolina or not, if your loans go unpaid for a period of time. If you find yourself in this position, make sure to contact professionals to help you out.
Just like all other states in America, North Carolina has its own bond policies that applicants must follow in order for their release request to be successful. Generally, the bail sum a defendant gets can only be handed over after they have been arraigned before a court of law, where they must prove not-guilty for the charges placed against them.
How Do Bail Bonds Work in North Carolina?
Thereafter, a bail bondsman can pay the bond after a 15% premium has been remitted by the respondent or their co-signor. If for any reason the respondent doesn’t show up in court, then the co-signer would be fully responsible to the bond provider. Below are other points to note on how bail bonds work in North Carolina?
Bond Qualification
According to North Carolina laws, most persons have a right to apply for bond pending the official hearing of their case. However, the judge still holds discretion as to whether you should receive this bail or not, depending on severity and complexity of the case. For instance, if your release poses a direct threat to society or there’s likelihood that you might flee or go into hiding, then the judge may decide to deny you bail.
Moreover, those charged with capital crimes are less likely to be released due to the grave nature of these offenses. Such crimes carry the death penalty and include cases such as murder, or espionage that poses a huge security risk to the country.
Hiring a Bail Intermediary
If you or a loved one has been jailed in North Carolina for whichever reason, it’s important to seek the services of a bondsman who’ll be able to find the money and complete other legal processes needed to post your release.
As the defendant, it’s common practice to pay a minimum of 10% of your bail sum to the bondsperson. However, some of them have flexible payment plans where you can make a small down payment at first, followed by regular weekly or monthly reimbursements as the case gradually progresses to the stage of attending court hearings and other legal proceedings while free.
Additionally, there are certain crucial information you must provide the bondsman so that they can have an easier time processing your bail release, these include your full ID name, birth date, date of arrest, the amount of bail you require and the kind of crime one has been accused of. You also need to tell the bailer which type of bond you are most comfortable working with, since there are various options to choose from such as; surety bonds, monetary bonds and property bonds among others.
Nevertheless, in most cases defendants choose to pay part of their bond through cash, check or credit card, after which the bondsman will pay the remaining amount needed to release you from temporary custody.
Time Limits
Most North Carolina courts have a specific time frame in which defendants are allowed to post bond, failure to provide bail money or meet other legal obligations during this period means that your bond application will be denied. Therefore, it’s important to check with the bond provider whether they can be able to secure your bail in a timely manner, lest it be rejected by the courts due to late application.
Bottom Line
So, how do bail bonds work in North Carolina? North Carolina has specific policies that defendants must follow if they want to post bond and be freed from jail. For instance, it’s required to contact and hire a bondsperson to work on your behalf, and also meet the time deadlines set by the court to apply for bail.